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, Life

NEWS FLASH: Katie Pratt is Going Off the Market

Men, We Regret to Inform You

I happen to have a best friend that looks like a SUPER MODEL (pictured below) and is getting married in three weeks! There is only one problem…her up and coming wedding has caused severe depression to spread across the whole male population. It has also caused a decrease of stalkers contacting me in creative ways to get her number. I will miss that.

It wasn’t an easy road to filter through trillions of dudes and there were some almost barely even close runner-ups. So, in honor of the many men that are now having to throw the towel in and are currently de-friending her on face book, I thought we would re-visit a few of KP’s past relationships. This old video is golden so here goes:

A Tribute to the Those Who Tried

Props to TJ Nokleby

Congratulations to Katie Pratt and more especially TJ Nokleby for beating out Shawn White! You have the girl that men can now only dream of and the avenues is officially giving you props. Can’t wait for the wedding!

Love..pride and virgins

Life, Office

Scooter Dodgeball: How to Hit Your Co-Workers Without Having to Talk to HR

The Birth of Scooter Dodgeball

I would love to introduce you to the newest addiction in the office known as scooter dodgeball. And yes, its as simple-minded as it sounds. Literally dodgeball played on a scooter. Oh and don’t worry, even though it took absolutely no brain cells to make up the game, there are still arguments almost every day as to who started the whole ordeal. Regardless of its origins, here is how to play:

One employee rides as fast as they can on a scooter while 4 of their coworkers try to hit them as hard as they can with dodge balls. The goal is to either knock the person off the scooter or hit them super hard in the face. The person who can ride the scooter the most without getting hit wins.

Life, Office

Don’t Underestimate the Inner-Office Talent

Say Hello…to Mediocre

The time has come for the awkward company video I make every quarter and this one is no exception. I had less than two days to put this together with no time to get inspiration. I was going to pull another company vid packed with buzz phrases like “we can do anything,” or “just do it.” But then I thought, why not tell it like it is?

I work with some of the funniest people I know and this video showcases just how great it is to work in the typical, average office scene. So here goes 100% transparency and a company motto that is less than inspiring. Honesty is the best policy right?