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Daniel Rossi At Coachella

If A Guy Who Has Never Been to Coachella Were to Blog About Coachella…

Another Thought-Provoking Guest Post By Daniel Rossi

Have you ever wished that you could go to Coachella just to say you did? I certainly haven’t, but I’m sure a good percentage of you have. This next eight minutes is dedicated to you. Six if you are educated.

Recently, you may have been around someone who appeared to be more unshaven than normal and had some unfortunately awkward sun burn lines. Chances are you have been spending some time with a person who attended Coachella.

Every year it amazes me that waves of youths (and probably a few who still wish they were youths) flock to the desert to engage in a weekend of musical foolery. What doesn’t amaze me is that Jack Daniels, tanning oil, and tank top sales skyrocket in the weeks leading up to the, as I call it in my own head, “Super bowl for Hipsters”.

Post Coachella Disorder

While minding my own business last week, I scrambled upon something I deemed to be disturbing. It was someone who diagnosed themselves with what they called PCD or “Post Coachella Disorder”.

Now I may be guilty of making fun of people who have gone to Coachella, but if you diagnose yourself with some sort of post traumatic stress disorder for having withdrawals from a concert in the middle of the desert, the world reserves every right to make fun of you.

It has been put on the record by many via social media that the integration back into normal society after a weekend of Coachella mania is not an easy one. I would argue that these same people were never actually part of what is considered to be normal society.

Side Note: One thing needs to be understood here: I don’t exactly know what goes on at Coachella. I’m obviously never going to go but I can only assume that it would be something like if Woodstock and a John Mayer concert had a child and it was raised on a strict vegan diet. After a time, said child got its first pair of Beats by Dre headphones, thought they were a DJ, started making music, snorting glitter, and the rest is history. Let that marinade for a minute.

Reasons I Did Not Attend Coachella

If the statements given above are not enough reason for me not to want to go already, 100 degree heat would be the icing on the mustache-shaped cake. But seriously, 100 degree heat? Me in the middle of the desert is basically the equivalent of putting an egg in a frying pan, the only question is whether I’m coming out scrambled or over easy. I prefer scrambled. Ladies, make a mental note.

Another reason I will not ever be attending Coachella is because I don’t own enough pairs of TOMS. It would be a true conundrum if I didn’t have several pairs on hand to be ready to transition seemlessly from Radiohead red TOMS to AVICII aqua TOMS to Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg fuzzy black TOMS, etc.

To this point, I have said nothing about the actual music that takes place during this music festival. That might be because this year’s biggest hype was ironically about a dead rapper’s holographic performance. To me that says one of two things: Either the music was terrible or you really enjoy holographic performances with recordings playing in the background. If that’s the case, you might be pathetic. Side note: There were many claims by witnesses that it was actually the real Tupac performing and NOT a hologram. Those people make me hate the idea even more than I actually already did, which Side Note to the Side Note: I didn’t know that was possible.

The Vision

In summary, when I did ask a friend who actually made the pilgrimage this year to comment, he shot me this gem of a text, “I guess the one way to describe Coachella is that it’s a collection of open minded individuals brought together by the beauty of music.” I don’t know, I guess I don’t see how that is all that different than the way that I was envisioning it.

Ideas, Popular Posts

The Ultimate Women’s Guide to March Madness

A Guest Post By Daniel Rossi

If you are currently alive, you have heard of March Madness. Every year terms like “office pool”, “Cinderella”, “upset alert”, and countless others are thrown around like they were fourth grade vocabulary words.

March Madness is to men what the Nordstrom half-yearly sale, Victoria Secret fashion show, and finding out the new cast for “ Dancing With the Stars” is to women, all rolled into one.

While men all over America sit around watching the game, I picture helpless women sitting alongside their man and his friends, desperately wishing they had a clue as to what was going on. Naturally I am here to bridge the gap and translate the NCAA tournament and college basketball into terms women will easily understand.

Some women may wonder how men can watch SO much basketball. After all, it is the same game, the same ball, the same court, etc… Doesn’t that get boring after a while? Ladies, I will answer that question with a question: Do you ever get bored shopping for adorable shoes? No, you don’t.

Every shoe is different with every company making a slightly different version of the same product. College programs are much the same. Every team has different coaches, different players, and different strategies all while competing in the same product arena, chasing the same ultimate goal.

To help you better understand an overall historical landscape of college basketball, I have broken things down in such a way that you literally could not, not understand.

Team Breakdown:

Tier 1

Duke, North Carolina, UCLA, Kentucky, Kansas: These programs would be considered the Louis Vuitton of college basketball. They have the respect of every other program and are the top dogs.

Tier 2

Syracuse, Ohio State, Michigan State, Louisville, Connecticut: These programs are the Sperrys of college basketball. They are classy and look good and can be dressed up or down depending on the situation.

Tier 3

Gonzaga, Wisconsin, Texas, BYU, Marquette,: These teams are the Vans shoe of college basketball. They are solid, get the job done and will be there every year, but will they ever be considered the top shoe? No.

Tier 4

Binghamton, Grambling State, Louisiana Monroe, Northern Arizona: These teams would be the old pair of dog chewed sandals you forgot to throw away in your closet.

The Opposing Team:

A team’s opponent in the tournament is like your ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend after he broke up with you. You might know the girl really well (within your same conference) or you may have never seen her before in your life (different conference). Either way, they have something you both desperately want.

Position Breakdown:

The Point Guard: The point guard runs the show. The “point” is generally the smallest player on the floor, good passer, good shooter and is in charge of getting his teammates involved. They are almost always the smartest player on the team.

Translation: This is the person in your circle of friends that keeps everyone in the loop about what is going down this weekend. She sends out group texts saying things like “OMG Taco Tuesday this week?!” or “Let’s go dancing Friday.”

WARNING: This person might be super handsome and irresistible to all women…Side note: I was a Point Guard. You do the math.

The Shooting Guard: Generally considered to be the scorer/shooter on the team. They are usually a great defensive player and one of the best athletes on the floor.

Translation: This is the girl in your group who gets the attention when you go out for drinks. She has a little bit of everything. She is cute without trying, graduated with a masters at age seventeen, and has perfect teeth without ever having braces. She has to wear a fake wedding ring just so guys don’t bother her all night long.

The Small Forward: In most cases the in-between player. They are decent at most things but not really spectacular at any one thing.

Translation: This is the girl in your circle of friends that everyone generally seems to forget about. You don’t mind if they are there, and you don’t mind if they aren’t.

The Power Forward: Big, strong, and athletic. They are great rebounders and shot blockers and in some cases the team’s best player.

Translation: This is the Monica of the show “Friends”. She has a ton going for her, cute, smart, funny, but she just isn’t quite Rachel.

The Center: This position is the tallest on the floor. Centers block shots, rebound, and play close to the basket. Most of the time the game of basketball picks them because they are tall, not the other way around.

Translation: This is the tall girl of your circle of friends. She is like a baby giraffe that just came out of the womb, a little gangly and pretty awkward.

The Bracket

You may also be wondering how each year teams in the tournament are ranked and paired together. It really is quite simple, the teams considered the best in the tournament are given the one, two, and three seeds while the worst teams in the tournament are ranked as fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen seeds.

To help you conceptualize this idea in terms women can easily understand, I have created a bracket of my very own…

1 Diamonds vs. 16 Carbs | 2 Shoes vs. 15 Laundry

These Matchups are simple. Year in and year out, one and two seeds prevail. (Note two 15 seeds won this year. I guess laundry is cool too)

3 The Notebook vs. 14 Video Games | 4 Puppies vs. 13 Horses

These matchups are a little more interesting. Every so often, a 13/14 seed can win the day.

5 A Guy With Money vs. 12 A Guy With a Sense of Humor

For whatever reason, at least one 12 beats one 5 every year.

6 Chocolate vs. 11 Frozen Yogurt | 7 Manicure/Pedicure vs. 10 Tanning

You could see both winning, but more times that not the 6 and 7 seeds take it.

8 Cuddling vs. 9 Flowers

The closest matchup in the tourney. It’s really a shot in the dark.(Woman Madness Bracket Note: I could see Cuddling making a deep run in this particular tournament)

Now ladies I am no magician, but by knowing these basic principles of the March Madness tournament, your likelihood of being single next April will drop 36-64 percentage points based on what made up scale you use.

And finally, let’s be honest with one another. No man knows what he is talking about when it comes to brackets. All I do is watch basketball and if you would have chosen this year based on how adorable the team’s uniforms looked, chances are you would have had a more successful bracket than me.

So next year don’t be afraid, fill one out. And if a guy questions your choice just respond with, “They’ve been a great road team all year. They can handle pressure.” Trust me, it’ll work.


If A Guy Were To Blog About The Bachelor

Meet Daniel Rossi

To be honest I have only met Daniel Rossi once. However, I have been a big fan and follower of his twitter(@coachrossi10) for the last six months because of his lack of a filter and obsession with sports, reality TV, and his dog Zoe. Since there are a trillion blog posts written by girls about The Bachelor, I didn’t feel like my perspective would add much to the table. Unfortunately, with the finale coming up, that’s all anyone wants to talk about. So instead of re-hashing what every girl has already said, I convinced Mr. Rossi to give a guy’s perspective on everyone’s current Monday-night addiction. Without further adieu here is the Bachelor update from the man himself.

The Bachelor According to Daniel Rossi

Ben’s hair has a mind of its own so I felt it only appropriate to model my thoughts accordingly, and scatter them all over the place. This article, like love, will have no direction, you will have no concept of beginning, middle, or end, and ultimately it will make no sense. Also like love, it will either leave you wanting more, but more likely regretting you ever spent time on it at all.

Watching “The Bachelor” with my roommates (Hi mom and dad!) has taught me some very valuable relationship lessons. Men should learn to use the show for exactly what it is: A guide of what and what not to do when it comes to dating. For example, we learned last year that wearing a mask to try to impress a woman just makes you look like a creep. Thanks Jeff!

I feel like I have been learning some valuable new tips on how to find true happiness when I am picked to be on The Bachelor (this will happen.)

For example, I would request twenty-five beautiful brunettes with great hair and light eyes. This would immediately rule out Kacie B from the competition. Let’s be honest, she is adorable but that hairpiece would take her three hours just to get it to look halfway presentable. I don’t have that kinda time

Secondly, I would request that we live in an average house in an average city. No luxurious trips or fancy vacations. Fantasy suites in Switzerland? No. We are falling in love in Reno sweetheart and if you’re not cool with that, I have twenty-four other weirdos who are totally down.

Our dates would be something really simple. I’d turn on the Xbox and order up some Papa Johns. Then I’d spend the next hour explaining how I need a girl who can just “be normal”. The girls would all nod like bobble heads in agreeance and claim how normal they have always been. They would then applaud me for wanting a girl who was so normal and how normal that makes me, etc…One or two of them would even claim they felt a real connection with me. Which they didn’t.

By week 3 I would find a way to become the bachelor everyone at home loves to hate. Girls would think I’m a jerk while guys would wish they were me. I would be setting the precedent for what every future bachelor contestant should be like and at the end of my run, I wouldn’t pick anyone in hopes I could come back two seasons later like Brad did. Now that guy knew what he was doing. And see how it worked out for him?! He is happily in love with the woman of his dreams! Wait, who is next season’s bachelorette?

I bet the success rate for The Bachelor would be much higher if my formula was followed. In fact, I would put a large sum of money on it. After all let’s be honest, the success rate couldn’t really get any lower, could it? You now find yourself agreeing and saying “good point”. Inception.

My Finale Predictions

And now the moment absolutely none of you have been waiting for…my final prediction. This is also the time where I tell you who I would choose. None of you care, but let’s be straight with one another, if you made it this far, you undoubtedly have nothing better to do. I was banking on that. Again, inception. Well, here goes…

Proposing to two different women in a matter of a year could/should make any guy uncomfortable, but not Ben! No, he is all about it. Ben goes down on one knee more than Tim Tebow. In fact, if I were Tim Tebow, I would ask Ben if he would be interested in an endorsement deal. The stipulation of course being he would have to cut his hair.

Ultimately Benjamin will of course be choosing Courtney.

You women may be wondering how he could possibly choose her. The answer, however, is really quite simple. Ben is a guy and he can’t help it. With only a month to date twenty five random women, men will almost always choose the one they find the most attractive while being the least annoying. That is why this show has a 4% success rate.

For whatever reason he has had a thing for her since day one. I’m convinced it is because of her eyebrows somehow. Those things just HAVE to have magical powers. They are too weird not to. It might also have something to do with the fact that she acts like a total floozeball 24/7. It could definitely be a combination between the eyebrows and the flooziness. You could convince me either way.

By now we also all know that Lindzi really is the better choice long term.

Unfortunately she has revealed some fatal flaws along the way that will ultimately lead to her demise. One of these flaws, for me at least, was liking horses too much.

It wouldn’t have been a big deal at first. I would have played along, joking about how horses are funny. I would have even been open, like Ben was, about riding them around a bit on the hometown date. However, if I were to pick her, a year from now she would have me moving to a ranch in Texas where I would wake up at 5 AM every morning to take care of horses I never wanted in a million years. And I am NOT a morning person. All of a sudden, I am living a nightmare which could have easily been avoided if I had just gone with the floozy.

Unfortunately, there are a couple more glaring flaws that are outside the realm of her control like how her voice constantly sounds like she needs a cough drop and her condition I like to call “Asymmetrical Dimple Syndrome” or ADS for short. She has a great dimple on the right side of her face with nothing on the left. That alone is grounds for termination in my book but kudos to Ben for being able to look past that. Or at least for having the presence of mind to only look at one side of her face at a time. I think this is the more likely scenario.

My Pick From The Season

When asked who I thought the best looking woman of this season was, I was truly stumped. I guess the answer was more complex than anyone could have ever hoped. If no one ever opened their mouth, it would have no doubt been Jenna the blogger (Whom you are about to Google to remember what she looks like. And once you do you will most likely agree. Inception part 3).

I could have really seen myself staying up late with her, blogging about who knows what. In fact, I can picture us doing just about anything together. Except talking (the biggest weakness of all the women, and men, who come on the show.)

Who knows, maybe she will read this blog and blog about me! Then we could fall into mutual blogness and communicate only via e-mail. Now that is a relationship I could see lasting. Again, as long as we never have to actually talk.

I will now end this fantastical little journey with a bachelor riddle. What would you get if you boiled some water and stirred together the following items? One Courtney eyebrow, a teaspoon of grease, Kacie B’s hair (not done), a ball of yarn, and a hipster’s mustache?

Answer: Ben’s hair.

Amazing Race Audition
Ideas, Office

How to Make Your Amazing Race Audition Tape an Epic Fail

Answer: Copy This Video

Me and Jordan Christenson (the CEO of Pacos Dillas) had this great idea to audition for the Amazing Race. Unfortunately it failed. It actually never even got off the ground. To save you all future heartache here are four valuable lessons we learned during this character-building experience.

If you want a terrible audition tape:

  1. Forget the deadline
  2. Forget to put in some sort of effort
  3. Record it after work on a web cam
  4. Make sure your co-worker ruins EVERY SINGLE take.

So there you have it…four solid ways to guarantee that your audition tape is not picked for the Amazing Race. Enjoy the best of our efforts in the video above.

Ideas, Music

Nothing says Merry Christmas like a Mixtape.

I love you like a Christmas song baby

Don’t get me wrong I love I-pods and I-tunes, but I have to say… sometimes I miss the good old days of Sharpie markers and cases stacked with my favorite things in the world called MIXTAPES. I was born near the edge of the cassette tape stage where you would spend hours listening to the radio with your finger on the trigger of a record button. It literally took decades of listening to the radio to record all the songs you wanted. Pointlessly time consuming? Yes. Worth the wait? Debatable, but we didn’t have a choice.

Luckily CD’s and the Napster scandal quickly made their break through and a faster revolution of sharing music was born. My first mix tape or should I say mix CD was from my best friend Adam Back in high school. Scribbled on the top of the disk were the words “Walk Back to the Dam Car.” He later explained it was the only sentence he could make out of both of our names. I don’t know if that was cute or awkward, but I LOVED THAT CD. It had all of our favorite songs from Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2 to Teenage Dirtbag by Wheetus.

After that, anytime I really cared about someone I made them a mix tape. The playlists became more than just a smorgasbord of songs. They became a journal. To this day I love listening to them and re-living the good ol days. I don’t believe any song can be recorded without a memory and those memories seem to have lasted longer than any backstreet boys hit ever did.

I apologize. That was a really long intro to two really short messages:

  1. Make someone a mixtape: Spread the love. It means more than anything you could buy off a shelf at Walmart.
  2. Listen to the mixtape I made you for Christmas: I made a Christmas playlist for all of you. You can listen to the best holiday jams via Grooveshark by clicking the link below.

Happy Holidays! Love Carl.


Rebuilding the Provo Tabernacle

When you lose something that you can’t replace

When I was in high school, my dad had a job installing high-end home theater systems and programming remotes for “smart homes.” We didn’t have a lot of money, so my dad would work days and nights on the jobs he was given. One client in particular had a home near our neighborhood and took up most of his time. My dad worked late into the evening for months to set up this perfect “smart home.” It had a remote that literally controlled almost ALL the electronics in the entire house. You could move the chandelier up and down at the click of a button and set up movies in different rooms from the internet.

Provo Tabernacle Fire

A week before it’s big finish, I woke up to find my parents out on our deck in their pajamas with dark circles under their eyes. They didn’t say a word but just kept staring off into the distance. When I followed their eye path, I saw the beautiful home my dad worked on surrounded in flames. Everything my dad had worked so hard for was lost and I watched his pride completely dissolved in minutes.

I felt the same hopeless feeling back in December when I saw Provo residents gathered around the Historic Provo Tabernacle as it burned down. Built in 1883 this building was a “reminder of the pioneering spirit that built Utah” and was considered a historic treasure to the community. All the hard work that had been put into the building by our ancestors was destroyed. People walked home with their head hung low and many came to the conclusion that the building was past the point of saving.

A game-changing plan

Yesterday, at the LDS General Conference, President Thomas S. Monson announced that the Provo Tabernacle was going to be re-built into a temple. When he finished the announcement people let out a giant gasp with “oohs and ahs” ha. It was a miracle! Not only was the tabernacle going to be re-built, it was going to become something of even greater value.

The idea: re-build it

I think often times we have this idea that we have “lost everything” that we made a mistake that has somehow destroyed the entire structure of our lives. We made a wrong turn that took the value out of everything we worked so hard for. Lost in confusion and despair, we convince ourselves that we have nothing left to do but linger in a hopeless state.

Flashback to my Dad, he could have given up. Re-doing the home was an overwhelming, monotonous task. But he believed he could build it again and build it better. Just like members of the Provo community believe that the tabernacle can be saved and built into something more.

These buildings are a symbol of hope to the many who walk in doubt. An idea that instead of hanging your head low, you could look up and remember that nothing is lost until you give up. It may take longer to fix, it may be harder, but in the end wouldn’t you say it was worth it?